Saturday, March 24, 2012

the volcano is erupting, something brewing i hear it coming... occupied by life, and now the perennial strife. All vertical and what not, enjoying the wealth in my life.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

I can't explain how you make me realize the sun rise, the colors of the world suddenly open my eyes. The situation took me by infinite surprise and now i see things i never thought could survive.

I can't open my eyes wide enough to see this world that I'm in, you made it so much easier to live. I lounge back with hands behind my head and grin, lovin it, soaking up this life i've always coveted.

I was so in need of the you that completes me, and you would't be you without the me in me, who took your seed and grew this family.

Sometimes I feel selfish for all that I do, it simply makes me feel good to do for you. I never want anything from you, the way I feel when I think about you is a gift that always feels brand new.

Whatever love is... you give me something i can never resist and nothing in this world could ever tear me from this.


Wednesday, September 08, 2010

- Slow down and enjoy every task. Pay attention to it and be in the moment to enjoy it.
- Do one thing at a time and do it well.
- Find the stressors in your life and ways to eliminate them.
- Create time for solitude. It’s important to just have some time for yourself.
- Do nothing. Don’t afraid to be lazy.
- Know what your simple pleasures are, and put a few of them in each day.
- Practice being in the moment at any time during the day.


Saturday, August 01, 2009

One of a kind
alone I sigh
for I thrive on the rind of the sty I label life that I design
Beside the tides
I will survive
Along for the ride
Emotions abide as I dive and break my stride
Because of lies
A heart so kind left behind becoming blind
Again I'll try and won't be shy when eyes tie for a better next time
Where guts don't grind and I don't cry, want to pry or ask why
I will make it mine
Won't stand in line (You got a light?)
or lose my mind when I wind
One great find before I die
Sparkle in my eye
Makes me high and I can fly
Above the sea the clouds and life


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Just as fast as the ocean carries me out to sea
So far out that I can't see.
All that surrounds me is freedom, simple beauty and a dream...
This is what you do to me.

Just as the strength of the humble tide, the periodic fall and rise surges through my mind and aloud I cry for something desired but just isn't meant to be...
This is what you do to me.

Just as the turbulence lasts for a hundred-million days
I'll weather the charming storms and comfort the waves. There is no point in trying to be saved, as loneliness safely floats among the sea...
This is what you do to me.

Just as fierce as my feet are kicking my heart is pounding and my mind is ticking
With every current my body trembles and my breath is shaky.
Eyes so blurry aware that every tender ripple will fade away
This is what you do to me.

Just as the moon is to the sea you are to me
An anchor to keep me in harmony and hold me like a buoy among the raging seas
Unsure if it would keep me above water or sink me to the ocean mezzanine
This is what you do to me.

Just as the ocean embraces me and steals away my energy
So unaware of all it's beauty and how lovely it could be -It's a mystery to me...
This is what you do to me.


Friday, June 26, 2009

My evening all morning was an afternoon of unconscious adorning
Day-light breaks through the window shades
I roll over and smile at your face so peaceful and safely again I fall asleep

There is another side of my eyes where the noon light glares and I can't stay
But, there is nothing in between then and when
My heart gets darker every time I walk away

Monday, June 22, 2009

There is a blue spot on me today. I thought I could wash it down the drain and I watched it wash and swirl away with my drink.

Another trace that I would try to wash from my face -what a disgrace to have an empty drink, yet blue still lingers in the sink.

This blue on me will not wash off and I am very unsure but it could be just a thought.
The intensity fades but it will not go away, and I prefer it transparent today.

I thought it was just a color then I thought it was just me, then I realized it's not a lonely color because to get there it takes three, and I'm getting older and this is the way it is.

As I grow it is sad to know that true color is so far and few, yet without flight each one of them touch me as I gracefully fall through.

It was just a spot today and not all over all of me, but I should realize a little quicker before I don't know how much more I can take.

This blue on me that will never wash off and I am very unsure but it could be just a thought.
The intensity fades but it never goes away, and I prefer it transparent today.
