Friday, June 26, 2009

My evening all morning was an afternoon of unconscious adorning
Day-light breaks through the window shades
I roll over and smile at your face so peaceful and safely again I fall asleep

There is another side of my eyes where the noon light glares and I can't stay
But, there is nothing in between then and when
My heart gets darker every time I walk away

Monday, June 22, 2009

There is a blue spot on me today. I thought I could wash it down the drain and I watched it wash and swirl away with my drink.

Another trace that I would try to wash from my face -what a disgrace to have an empty drink, yet blue still lingers in the sink.

This blue on me will not wash off and I am very unsure but it could be just a thought.
The intensity fades but it will not go away, and I prefer it transparent today.

I thought it was just a color then I thought it was just me, then I realized it's not a lonely color because to get there it takes three, and I'm getting older and this is the way it is.

As I grow it is sad to know that true color is so far and few, yet without flight each one of them touch me as I gracefully fall through.

It was just a spot today and not all over all of me, but I should realize a little quicker before I don't know how much more I can take.

This blue on me that will never wash off and I am very unsure but it could be just a thought.
The intensity fades but it never goes away, and I prefer it transparent today.
